
     西方人对某些数字敏感,産生不同的認知意義。例如:13是不祥的数目,666與邪惡有關聯。对於16则多指少女及笄之年,多聯想少女青春荳蔻年華,芳華正茂的成長期,由幼兒(child) 轉變成青春期 (puberty/teenage) 的一種身份改變。 流行歌辭多以此階段為傳誦题材。隨手一数便有以下多首︰

                Sam Cook 的 “Only Sixteen,” Neil Sedaka ‘s   “Happy Birthday, Sweet  Sixteen.” Johnny Burnette 的 “You ‘re Sixteen,” Ringo Starr亦翻唱此曲; Chuck Berry 的 “Sweet Little Sixteen.” The Crest的 “16 Candles” 等. 後者更常為慶祝生日而播放, 美國的成年人對這些伴隨他們成長的歌曲, 均保留美好的回憶。對 歌辭中的 “Happy birthday, happy birthday, baby, Oh I love you so! Sixteen candles make a lovely light, but not as bright as your eyes tonight!” ,仍琅琅上口。


       流行歌曲多以少男少女為消费对象,对16-18的青春羣眾作為其商品的對象、但对稍年長的聽眾羣,亦不會錯過。以数字有關的亦涉及18這一較成人初階段,這一階段可談及婚嫁等人生大事,例如Bobby Darin 和Martin Robbin均唱過的 “Eighteen Yellow Roses Came Today” 。父親詠嘆接到女皃追求者送來的十八枝黃玫瑰, 才傷感意識到女兒已長大成人, 將會離開他而過新的生活,唯有重申父親對女兒的愛。

      Eighteen yellow roses came today,/Eighteen yellow roses in a pretty bouquet./When the boy came to the door,/I didn’t know  what  to say,/But eighteen yellow roses came today./ I opened up the card to see what it said./I couldn’t believe my eyes what I had read./ Though you belong to another,/I love you anyway./Yes, eighteen yellow roses came today./I never doubt you for a minute./I always   thought that you would be true./But now this box and the flowers in it./ I guess there is nothing more for me to do./But ask  to meet the boy who did this thing./And find out if he got plans to buy you a ring./ Cos eighteen yellow roses will wilt and die one day,/But a father ‘s  love will never fade away.


     與這類青春歌辭有關的活動多與中學發生的事有關。例如中學的畢業舞會Prom。美國的中學生看此舞會為人生中的一件大事,除了慶祝自己已進入成人階段,亦表示自己在友儕輩間的社交成功感和身份認同。故在此場合中選出Prom King 和Prom Queen,肯定他们的才貌雙全。

     另外一首亦用了16數目為题材的歌與一般涉及青春少艾稍有不同。這一首歌稱作 “Sixteen Tons” (十六噸),是一首作於1946年而流行於50年代中期的歌曲. 大意指煤坑工人为生活而折腰的光景、歌辭一方面歌颂勞動階層:Some people say a man is made out of mud, /Well, a good man is made of muscle and blood, /Muscle and blood, and skin and bone, /And mind that ‘s weak and the back that ‘s strong。 亦道出他們對命運的無奈: You load 16 tons, and what do you get? Another day older, and deeper in debt。其實這首歌辭對生活的態度, 放諸所有勞動階層亦皆準。