Freshman English I & II

Freshman English I

Syllabus Description

The course generally raises students’ English level to the B2 Level on the Common European Framework for Languages (CEF) which will serve as a preparatory platform for students to advance gradually to attain the C1 Level on the CEF. It also facilitates and enables students to build a solid foundation in English for academic pursuit at Chu Hai College of Higher Education by integrating the four macro-skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing and study skills (such as summarizing, note-taking, paraphrasing) for effective communication and by exposing them to and immersing them in authentic and semi-authentic samples of communication in the English medium in different varieties, formats and media. The course also prepares students for more advanced studies in English as an international language both for academic pursuit and for professional communication in their future career.





Pre-requisite Non-permissible Courses
Nil Nil
Teaching Schedule

1. Study Skills – note-taking, summarizing, paraphrasing from a variety of sources and formats including print, audio, visual, audio-visual, video

2. Creative and Parallel Thinking including de Bono’s Six Hats Approach

3. Descriptions

4. Referencing and Annotation and Intellectual Property

5. Academic Writing Basics

6. Facts from Figures and Interpreting Statistical Data and Presenting such data in writing

7. Writing an Academic Paper

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able:


1. To communicate with clarity, succinctness and appropriateness, in a variety of styles and formats, orally and in writing;

2. To interpret, process, analyse, integrate and present information and data in a variety of formats and media both orally and in writing;

3. To command sufficient vocabulary for effective communication for academic and professional purposes; and

4. To communicate effectively and competently in English for all purposes, practical, literary and aesthetic, with ease and confidence.




Freshman English II



Syllabus Description

The course generally raises students’ English level to the B2 Level on the Common European Framework for Languages (CEF) which will serve as a preparatory platform for students to advance gradually to attain the C1 Level on the CEF. It also facilitates and enables students to build a solid foundation in English for academic pursuit at Chu Hai College of Higher Education by integrating the four macro-skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing and study skills (such as summarizing, note-taking, paraphrasing) for effective communication and by exposing them to and immersing them in authentic and semi-authentic samples of communication in the English medium in different varieties, formats and media. The course also prepares students for more advanced studies in English as an international language both for academic pursuit and for professional communication in their future career.





Pre-requisite Non-permissible Courses
Nil Nil


Teaching Schedule

1. Logic, Argumentation and Critical Thinking Skills

2. Arguing for or against a Case and Presenting a Case

3. Writing an Academic Report

4. Oral Communication Skills

5. Oral reporting and giving oral instructions

6. Group Dynamics and Group communication Basics

7. Conflicts, negotiations and resolutions of conflicts – win-win, win-lose, lose-lose

8. Meetings – notice of meeting, agenda, seating plan, proper procedures for formal meetings, taking minutes, drafting  minutes, post meeting work